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First record of gyne fossil Aphaenogaster (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae) from Eastern Palaearctic Region

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/346948
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한국응용곤충학회 (Korean Society Of Applied Entomology)

We report here the new species, Aphaenogaster koreana sp. nov. first fossil record of alate reproductive female (gyne) Aphaenogaster from Eastern Palaearctic region on the basis of forewing venation and other external morphologies. Single fossil specimen was discovered from the Duho Formation of the Middle Miocene (c.a 15 Ma), Pohang, Republic of Korea. For accurate identification, we selected extant Aphaenogaster species for reference and compared wing venations and body measurements to new species. Furthermore, we suggest previously recorded Aphaenogaster species from Miocene Grubstake Formation of Alaska (UAF-GS23, UAF-GS24) removed from the genus and remained in unplaced species in the Myrmicinae (incerta sedis). Because of similarity between genus Aphaenogaster and Paraphaenogaster which shares morphological similarities, we provide comparison between the new species and the other known gyne Aphaenogaster and Paraphaenogaster. Diagnostic characters for gynes of Aphaenogaster are also provided

  • Min-soo Dong(Department of Applied Biology, Kangwon National University)
  • Sam-kyu Kim(Department of Applied Biology, Kangwon National University)
  • Kye-Soo Nam(Daejeon Science High School for the Gifted)