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Protecting Victim Rights: The Role of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/347831
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이준국제법연구원 (YIJUN Institute of International Law)

Since its establishment in the year 2001, the National Human Rights Commission of Korea has assumed the role of primary governmental entity addressing human rights issues in the country. In addition to investigating complaints of human rights violations and discrimination, the NHRCK has a policy advisory function, and engages in research, education, and publicizing of human rights issues. This article examines the role of the NHRCK, which came into being in part due to the advocacy of victim rights groups, in promoting and protecting victim rights. It addresses both the rights of crime victims and the rights of victims of human rights abuses. The article analyzes the different ways in which the NHRCK has addressed victim issues, while offering concluding observations as to how the NHRCK can more effectively promote and protect victim rights in the future.

Protecting Victim Rights
  1. Background
  2. Introduction to the NHRCK: A Comparative Perspective
  3. Rights of Crime Victims in the Republic of Korea
  4. Policy and Legislative Recommendations
  5. Complaint Recommendations
  6. Rights of Victims of Human Rights Abuses and the NHRCK Investigation Process
  7. Promotion of Victim Rights
  8. Conclusion
  • Andrew Wolman(Assistant Professor of Human Rights and International Law, Graduate School of International Area Studies, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea)