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An Analysis of Driver Eye Movements on Expressway Ramps based on a Driving Simulator

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/348228
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한국도로학회 (Korean Society of Road Engineers)

In this study, eye movements of drivers on expressway ramps were comprehensively investigated using raw data from driving simulator and eye tracker(MyGaze) deducted though the previous study. Based on the literature review, several parameters including number of fixations, fixation time, horizontal & vertical eye movements, and gaze position were selected. With them, eye movements of older drivers and young drivers were compared and investigated. Average fixation time of older drivers is shorter and tend to focus more on the inside road edge for both left and right turning ramps comparing young drivers. Also, they tend to look wider at right turning ramp. All driver’s fixation points were spread along the inside road edge for both left and right turning ramps. Currently, road delineating facilities are installed on the side where centrifugal force is applied. However, considering the result, it should be installed where centripetal force is applied. In addition, road line marking management should be more taken care of. For future study, vehicle’s speed is also in need of consideration with eye movement.

  • Yong Jin Park(Korea Expressway Corporation)
  • Je Jin Park(Korea Expressway Corporation)
  • Duck Nyung Kim(Korea Expressway Corporation)
  • Yong Beom Kim(Korea Expressway Corporation)