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Estimating Serviceability Performances of Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) Mixtures by Using GPC

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/348298
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한국도로학회 (Korean Society of Road Engineers)

In this paper, first the aging level of Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA): one of the widely applied asphalt mixture types for highway construction in South Korea, was analysed then those aging effects on various performance characteristics were studied. Then, a suitable methodology for improving performance on real asphalt pavement construction site was recommended. To fulfil the objective, Gel-Permeation Chromatography (GPC) experimental work was performed on various aged SMA mixtures by measuring Large Molecular Size (LMS) then the Absolute Viscosity (AV) value was predicted based on the findings in the previous step. As results, it was found that types of performance change on aged asphalt binders could be estimated by computed Estimated Absolute Viscosity (EAV) values. It also should be mentioned that the performances of tested SMA mixture presented negative trend after aging effect increases; even though the performance deterioration level of SMA is lower than that of regular Dense Grade Asphalt (DGA) mixture, which means proper reactions are recommended to keep its quality. Moreover, better resistance against aging effect was found by applying Hydrated-Lime (HL) or Low Density Poly-Ethylene (LDPE) compared to any other additives on asphalt mixtures. A unique Aging Quantity (AQ) model for SMA mixtures was developed by using two factors: collected aging time data set from field (and/or laboratory) and AV values based on different temperature conditions. The Predicted Absolute Viscosity (PAV) on SMA mixtures was computed by using the introduced AQ model then the aging level of asphalt binder was estimated as a final step. Additionally, five performance characteristics of asphalt binder: Dynamic Shear Rheometer(DSR) high temperature limit, Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) low temperature limit, G*/sinδ, Creep stiffness, and m-value, were analysed. The value of AV showed the best performance for predicting and representing aging level. Finally, the aging level of given asphalt mixtures in the field can be easily predicted by choosing one of three approaches presented in this research. It can be concluded that the performance of asphalt pavement can be increased by selecting proper materials and performance prediction methodologies introduced in this study. However, only limited number of specimens were considered in this study due to limit of raw materials and laboratory equipment condition. Therefore, extensive experimental works with various types of asphalt materials are recommended for strengthen findings in this thesis as a future research.

  • Oh Sun Kwon(Senior Researcher, KEC research division (pavement research division), South Korea)
  • Jin Hwan Kim(Senior Researcher, KEC research division (pavement research division), South Korea)
  • Kwang Woo Kim(Assistant Professor, Kangwon National University, South Korea)
  • Sung Jin Lee(Researcher, Kangwon National University, South Korea)
  • Ki Hoon Moon(Senior Researcher, KEC research division (pavement research division), South Korea)