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Securing of Cross Sections in Walking Paths

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/348336
모든 회원에게 무료로 제공됩니다.
한국도로학회 (Korean Society of Road Engineers)

The purpose of this study is to compare securing of walking roads’ cross section zones in the walking paths by street by street and city by city. The cities involved with this study are Seoul Metropolitan Area and Tokyo Metropolitan Area. The securing of widths are compared based on zone types such as frontage, pedestrian, and furniture zones. The widths are measured directly through on-site surveys. The widths measured are compared the standards given by the present paper. Among 22 sites, the satisfied sites are counted. In terms of frontage zones in Seoul Metropolitan Area, 17 out of 22 sites are counted as satisfied while in Tokyo Metropolitan Area, 18 out of 22 sites are counted as satisfied. In terms of pedestrian zone, in Seoul Metropolitan Area, 13 out of 22 sites are counted as satisfied while in Tokyo Metropolitan Area, 14 out of 22 sites are counted as satisfied. In terms of furniture zone, in Seoul Metropolitan Area, 14 out of 22 sites are counted as satisfied while in Tokyo Metropolitan Area, 11 out of 22 sites are counted as satisfied. In conclusion, although walking roads’ cross section zones such as frontage, pedestrian, and furniture zones are relatively a new standards in Korea and Japan, many sites are founded being satisfied with the standards. However, the rates of satisfaction differs city by city. Especially the rates of satisfaction in furniture zones in Seoul Metropolitan are somewhat higher while the rates of satisfaction in frontage and pedestrian zones are similar between two cities.

  • Sujeong Hong(Researcher, Kyonggi University Department of Urban & Transportation Engineering)
  • Woojin Jeong(Researcher, Kyonggi University Department of Urban & Transportation Engineering)
  • Heesoo Kim(Researcher, Kyonggi University Department of Urban & Transportation Engineering)
  • S Heungun Oh(Professor, Kyonggi University Department of Urban & Transportation Engineering)