약용식물 중 잔류농약의 안전성을 평가하고자 2012년 전국 9개 도시에서 유통되고 있는 인삼과 도라지에 대하여 전체 112점의 시료를 수거하여 잔류농약을 분석하였다. 122 종의 농약에 대해 GC-ECD, GC-NPD 및 HPLC-UVD를 이용한 다종농약 다성분 분석법으로 잔류농약을 분석하였고, 분석 결과 12점의 시료에서 7종의 농약이 검출되어 10.7% 검출률을 보였다. 농약 성분별 검출 빈도는 procymidone, kresoxim-methyl, endosulfan, cypermethrin, tralomethrin, tetraconazole, chlorfluazuron 순이었다. 농약 이 검출된 시료 중 잔류허용기준을 초과한 시료는 2점으 로 1.8% 검출률을 보였으며, 도라지 1점에서 tetraconazole, 인삼 1점에서 cypermethrin이 검출되었다. 해당 작물에 대한 잔류허용기준이 설정되어 있지 않거나 품목고시 되어 있지 않은 시료는 10점에서 5종의 농약이 검출되어 8.9% 검출률을 보였다. 본 연구에서 검출된 농약이 해당 약용 식물의 섭취로 인체에 유입될 일일섭취허용량 대비 일일 섭취추정량은 최저 0.006%에서 최고 0.333%로 낮은 %ADI 값을 보여 인체 위해도는 낮은 것으로 판단되었다.
This study was conducted to monitor residual pesticides in ginseng and balloon flower roots and to assess their risk to human health. All of 112 samples consisted of ginseng and balloon roots were purchased from traditional domestic markets and supermarkets in nine provinces of Korea in 2012. Multi-residue analysis of 122 pesticides was conducted and the analysis was performed by gas chromatography-electron capture detector, gas chromatography- nitrogen/phosphorus detector, and high-performance liquid chromatography. Seven pesticides were detected in 12 root samples and the detection rate was 10.7%. The detected twelve root samples were 10 ginseng root samples and 2 balloon root samples. Pesticides detected in root samples were procymidone, kresoxim-methyl, endosulfan, cypermethrin, tralomethrin, tetraconazole and chlorfluazuron. Among them, two pesticides as tetraconazole in a balloon flower root and cypermethrin in a ginseng root exceeded the recommended maximum residue limit set by Korea Food and Drug Administration. Five pesticides detected from 10 root samples were identified as unregistered pesticides in Korea. In order to do risk assessment with Korean medicinal plant consumption, estimated daily intake of residual pesticides were determined and compared to acceptable daily intake, referring to %ADI values. The range of %ADI values was from 0.006% to 0.333%. Taken together, it demonstrates the pesticides found in the two root samples were below the safety margin, indicating no effect on human health.