Consumer arrogance is conceptualized and defined by Ruvio & Shoham (2016) as people's proclivity for demonstrating their social superiority through the acquisition, utilization, or display of consumer goods. This new notion rooted from the symbolic meaning of consumption that suggesting consumers use products as symbols to create self-identity, to maintain their self-concept, to express their self, to convey personal and social achievements and to reflect their social status to others (Holman, 1981; Belk, 1988; Hirschman & LaBarbera, 1990). This research examines the cross-cultural validity of the Ruvio & Shoham‘s (2016) consumer arrogance scale in Turkey and Romania. Data were collected from 192 Turkish and 176 Romanian students. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the four-factor solution. The scale demonstrates internal consistency and validity within the two countries and across countries. The cross-cultural validation tested via configural, metric and covariance methods. The results indicated that the consumer arrogance scale is consistent across countries and it can be established as a second order construct. The nomological validity with structural equation modelling results support that consumer arrogance is predicted by materialism in both countries. This cross-national study extended consumer arrogance scale in a collectivist cultural setting and contributes to enriching cross-cultural validation research as well as consumer behavior understanding.