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Formulation Sequence in Korean TV Talk Shows : Pre-Sequence as Consensual Grounds for Managing Category Work KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/351309
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사회언어학 (The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea)
한국사회언어학회 (The Sociolinguistic Society of Korea)

Kim, Kyu-hyun & Suh, Kyung-Hee. 2018. “Formulation Sequence in Korean TV Talk Shows: Pre-Sequence as Consensual Grounds for Managing Category Work”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 26(2). 85~117. From the perspectives of conversation analysis (CA) and membership categorization analysis (MCA), this paper analyzes the formulation sequence in Korean television news interviews and celebrity talk-shows. The analysis shows that the host's formulation is normatively oriented to by the guest as a preliminary action, which projects a range of face-impinging actions, such as challenge, assessment, request, etc. The formulation-confirmation sequence furnishes the host with consensual grounds for embarking on affectively-loaded assessment activities vis-à-vis the guest in his/her own terms. The guest, as the formulation-recipient, may block the host's projected action by using disconfirmation, which points to the contingent nature of the power that the host exercises as the agent of morality. The analysis of the formulation sequence is brought to bear upon the examination of the compositional features of the formulation turn (e.g., sentence-ending suffixes, discourse particle, etc.) and their interactional imports.

 1. Introduction
 2. Formulation as ‘pre’: Guest's confirmation as go-ahead
 3. Disconfirmation of host's formulation
 4. Compositional features of formulation turn
 5. Conclusion
  • Kyung-Hee Suh(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) Corresponding author
  • Kyu-hyun Kim(Kyung Hee University)