본 실험은 종자 가격이 비싼 여주를 삽목하여 증식하고자 할 때 적절한 줄기 절단위치와 삽목상내 온도를 구명하기 위하여 실험하였다. 시험품종 ‘NS454’(NS)와 ‘드레곤’(DR) 품종을 대상으로 삽수 절단 위치를 3번째 잎의 마디를 절단한 처리(I) 와 3번째와 4번째 잎의 중간없이 발근이 되지 않았다. 뿌리의 개체당 발근수는 DR 품종의 경우, 28oC 처리구는 마디 중간지점을 절단한 처리구에서 5.3개로 처리구중에서 가장 많았고 마디를 절단한 처리구는 2.7개이었다. 따라서 여주의 삽목시 절단위치는 마디부위를 절단하거나 마디 중간지점을 절단해도 되지만 마디 중간지점을 절단하는 것이 생존율을 높일 수 있을 것으로 사료되고, 또한 삽목상내 기온을 28oC 정도를 유지해 주는 것이 바람직할 것으로 판단된다.
This study was carried out to investigate proper stem cutting position and air temperature to regenerate roots from cuttings of bitter gourd. ‘NS454’ (NS) and ‘Dragon’ (DR) cultivars were tested and the cutting position was cut at the 3rd node in the stem (treatment I) and cut at the central part (stem segment) between 3rd leaf and 4th leaf in the stem (treatment II). The air temperature was maintained at 18, 23, 28 and 35oC in the growth chambers, respectively. The photosynthetic photon flux at the ground of a chamber was maintained in approximately 150- 200 μmol m-2 s-1 during the 16-hour photoperiod. The relative humidity in the chambers was maintained over 85%. After 10 days of cuttings, regardless of cutting position, DR and NS cultivars showed 100% the survival rate in the 18oC or 23oC treatments, however, most of plants 18oC treatment had not rooting. In the 28oC treatment, regardless of cutting position, DR and NS cultivars showed 100% of the rooting rate. In the 23oC treatment, for DR cultivar, the node cutting showed 90% of rooting rate and the stem segment cutting showed 40% rooting rate. For NS cultivar, the node cutting showed 50% of rooting rate and the stem segment cutting showed 40% rooting rate. DR and NS cultivars have high rooting rate, while the rooting rate remarkably decreased in the 35oC treatment. For DR cultivar, the stem segment cutting showed 5.3 of the highest rooting number and the node cutting showed 2.7 rooting number in the 28oC treatment. NS cultivar was not significantly different the rooting regardless of cutting position. The results suggested that cutting at the stem segment cutting of bitter gourd is an effective cutting method for increasing survival rate and the air temperature should be maintained at 28oC.