The Egr family of zinc finger transcription factors consisting of 4 members (Egr1 to -4) regulates critical genetic programs involved in cellular growth, differentiation, and function. Especially, the critical role for Egr1 in regulating luteinizing hormone responsiveness was demonstrated by using gene-targeted mouse models. Other members of Egr family were shown to be involved in other cellular and developmental processes. To understand if Egr3 is implicated in ovarian functions, we focused on identifying cell type-specific and subcellular localization of Egr3 in cycling mouse ovaries and oocytes. RT-PCR analyses show that Egr3 mRNA is expressed in the mouse ovary and oocytes. By immunofluorescence staining, we observed that Egr3 is weakly expressed in subsets of granulosa cells. Interestingly, Egr3 seems to be co-localized with meiotic spindle in some oocytes in the ovarian section. Therefore, we examined Egr3 localization in MI oocytes cultured in vitro. We confirmed co-localization of Egr3 and microtubule in the mouse oocyte during meiosis I. Egr3 localization is noted around condensing chromosomes during prometaphase I (PMI). At metaphase I (MI) and MII, Egr3 is localized on meiotic spindle and also around each cytosolic microtubule organizing centers (MTOCs) in a punctate pattern. To examine if microtubule is required for correct positioning of Egr3 on this structure, we observed the pattern of Egr3 in oocytes matured under taxol or nocodazole. In taxol-treated oocyte, Egr3 and gamma-tubulin complex are enlarged. In nocodazole-treated oocyte, Egr3 localization on spindle and MTOCs are abolished. Thus, Egr3 localization seems to require the presence of intact microtubule. Collectively, our result shows for the first time that Egr3, a transcription factor, is localized on meiotic spindle of maturing mouse oocytes. The work suggests a novel role for Egr3 as a factor involved in MTOC dynamics during meiosis.