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Comparison of processing times for isolation of feline adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells KCI 등재

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/356201
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예방수의학회지 (Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine)
한국예방수의학회(구 한국수의공중보건학회) (The Korean Society of Preventive Veterinary Medicine)

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are an attractive source for cell therapy, as they have the potential for differentiation into multi-lineage cells. Adipose tissue is a safe source due to its easy extraction and abundant resource, with minimal risk to the organ donor. In this study, we attempted to correlate the harvest yield and resulting multipotency of feline adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (fAD-MSCs) in accordance with processing time. fAD-MSCs were individually isolated from the abdominal adipose tissues of 6 felines. They were divided into two groups, based on their processing times – Group 1: 0~1 day after adipose tissue harvesting; Group 2: more than 3 days after adipose tissue harvesting. In both groups, the proliferation capacity was analyzed using the cumulative population doubling level (CPDL) calculation assay. The expression levels of MSC-specific markers and differentiation potentials into mesodermal cell lineages were also evaluated. We observed that fAD-MSC isolation yields and CPDL were excellent in Group 1 compared with Group 2. We also found that the differentiation potential-specific genes (ACAN and OPN) were strongly expressed in Group 1 compared with Group 2. These results suggest that for the clinical treatments of feline diseases, fAD-MSCs should be isolated within 1 day after adipose tissue harvesting.

 서 론
 재료 및 방법
  고양이 지방 조직 채취
  고양이 지방 조직 유래 성체줄기세포 분리 및 배양
  세포증식률 분석 (cumulative population doublinglevel (CPDL))
  유세포 분석을 통한 세포 표면 특이 단백질 발현 검사
  분화 유도 및 염색
  Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR)을 이용한 분화유전자 발현 검사
  통계학적 분석
 결 과
  고양이 지방 조직 채취 후 경과일에 따른 성체줄기세포분리 효율 비교
  고양이 지방 조직 채취 후 경과일에 따른 세포증식률 비교
  고양이 지방 조직 채취 후 경과일에 따른 세포 표면 특이단백질 발현 비교
  고양이 지방 조직 채취 후 경과일에 따른 특이세포 분화능력 비교
 고 찰
  • Hee-Ryang Kim(Viral Disease Division, Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency)
  • Jienny Lee(Viral Disease Division, Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency)
  • Gyeong Been Lee(Viral Disease Division, Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency)
  • Jeong Su Byeon(Viral Disease Division, Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency)
  • Na-Yeon Gu(Viral Disease Division, Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency)
  • In-Soo Cho(Viral Disease Division, Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency)
  • Sang-Ho Cha(Viral Disease Division, Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency) Corresponding Author