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Case report : Canine distemper virus infection in a wild Korean raccoon dog KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/356223
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 3,000원
예방수의학회지 (Journal of Preventive Veterinary Medicine)
한국예방수의학회(구 한국수의공중보건학회) (The Korean Society of Preventive Veterinary Medicine)

A female wild raccoon dog was referred with a history of generalized seizure. Mild leukocytosis was noted on laboratory tests. Gross lesions included nasal hemorrhage, hemothorax, and hemorrhage in the urinary bladder with hematuria. Microscopically, interstitial and purulent bacterial pneumonia was observed in the lungs. In the cerebellum, characteristic eosinophilic intracytoplasmic and intranuclear inclusion bodies were found in Purkinje cells, and severe demyelination was observed in the cerebellar white matter. Canine distemper virus (CDV) infection was suspected and confirmed after detection of CDV nucleoprotein RNA in the cerebrum and the lungs by nested reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP). Based on the histopathological and molecular diagnostic findings, it was concluded that the raccoon dog was infected with CDV.

 Case Report
  • A-ra Cho(Bio-Safety Research Institute and Laboratory of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine (BK21 Plus Program), Chonbuk National University, Department of Animal Resources Development Swine Science Division, Rural Development Administration)
  • Yoon-Seok Roh(Bio-Safety Research Institute and Laboratory of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine (BK21 Plus Program), Chonbuk National University)
  • Hae-Beom Lee(Bio-Safety Research Institute and Laboratory of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine (BK21 Plus Program), Chonbuk National University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Chungnam National University)
  • Ho-Seong Cho(Bio-Safety Research Institute and Laboratory of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine (BK21 Plus Program), Chonbuk National University)
  • Chae-Woong Lim(Bio-Safety Research Institute and Laboratory of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine (BK21 Plus Program), Chonbuk National University)
  • Seog-Jin Kang(Department of Animal Resources Development Swine Science Division, Rural Development Administration)
  • Ha-Young Kim(Animal Disease Diagnostic Division, Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency)
  • Jong-wan Kim(Animal Disease Diagnostic Division, Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency)
  • Bum-seok Kim(Bio-Safety Research Institute and Laboratory of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine (BK21 Plus Program), Chonbuk National University) Corresponding author