Purpose: Studies on craving may be conducted for exercise addiction, which is one part of behavioral addiction, just like many studies that focused on craving for behavioral addiction. Hence, the objective of this study is to develop and validate scale that can measure craving for exercise. Methods: To develop the scale to measure the craving for exercise, 37 preliminary questionnaire items were selected based on the literature review and previous studies. Adult men and women who exercise more than 30 minutes once a week were set as the population. For sampling, survey focused on 300 adults full aged above 19 and below 80 through purposed cluster. The survey was performed two times. Analysis of questions and exploratory factors was performed based on data collected in the 1st survey. Analysis of confirmatory factor sand verification of cross/convergent validity were performed based on data collected in the 2nd survey. Results: First, measurement tools of exercise craving were structured into eight questions on single factors based on analysis of exploratory factors. Second, measurement tools of exercise craving deliver reliability. Third, measurement tools of exercise craving have structural validity based on analysis of confirmatory factors. Fourth, measurement tools of exercise craving verified their convergent/predictive validity. Conclusion: This study suggested the possibility of conducting studies on craving in exercise psychology studies, as well, at a time when no studies on exercise craving were conducted and developed an scale with which exercise craving can be measured in a reliable and valid manner. These all serve as new data applicable to future studies on exercise psychology.