The effect of different knowledge of results spacing and summarizing techniques on the archery score
본 연구는 Guay, salmoni, 와 Lajoie(1999)의 연구를 바탕으로 KR 간격조건과 요약된 형식의 KR조건의 상호작용효과 및 독립된 방식에서 안내가설의 지지여부를 통한 효과적인 KR 제공방법을 알아보기 위해 두 가지의 KR 간격 조건(20%, 100%)과 함께 세 가지의 요약형식 KR(ST, SUM, AVE)로 구분하여 총 6가지 형태의 KR(ST-20%, 100%, SUM 20%, 100%, AVE 20%, 100%)을 연구하였다. 양궁선수들을 대상으로 KR 간격과 요약 형식의 KR 조건에서 안내가설의 효과를 통한 효과적인 KR 제시 조건을 규명하고자 50m 실거리 과제를 선정하여 연습단계 30회 파지단계 30회를 실시 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 절대오차에서는 파지수행에 있어서 ST조건이 효과적인 것으로 나타났으나 가변오차에서는 모든 조건에서 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 요약형식의 KR제공 형태보다는 KR 간격의 조건이 학습에 보다 영향력이 있는 것으로 나타났으며, KR의 제공은 100%의 제공간격보다는 20%제공간격이 효과적임을 입증하였다.
The participants were assigned to one of six conditions. The two spacing conditions were KR after every trial (100%) and after every fifth (20%). The three summarizing techniques were single trial KR, summary KR, and average KR. The six conditions were: single trial KR following every trial (ST-100%), single trial KR following every fifth trial (ST-20%), summary KR after each block of 5 trials (SUM-20%), summary KR of the most recent 5 trials presented after every trial (SUM-100%), average KR after each block of 5 trials (AVE-20%), and average KR of the most recent 5 trials presented after every trial (AVE-100%). Participants(n=3 per group) performed 30 acquisition trials of archery task, followed by 30 delayed(24 hour) no-KR retention trials. The results of this study are as follows: For the target goal, acquisition performance was more accurate(AE) for the 20% spacing condition than the 100% spacing condition, and more accurate during retention effect were significant for the 20% spacing condition and ST condition in absolute constant error. There were no significant main effects or interactions for VE during the acquisition trials, but more accurate (VE) for the 20% spacing condition than the 100% spacing condition during retention performance. The analysis indicated that AE and VE score was greater for the 100% spacing condition than the 20% spacing condition.