Movement accuracy and consistency in a coincident timing task
본 연구에서는 일치 타이밍 과제의 운동속도와 운동정확성 간의 관계를 살펴보았다. 운동속도는 스윙범위와 불빛 이동 속도 조건으로 조절하였고, 운동정확성은 스윙과제 수행의 시간과 공간 오차(절대항상오차)를 통해 살펴보았다. 또한, 운동수행의 일관성은 시간과 공간 오차 점수를 이차원으로 하는 이원변량 가변오차(BVE)를 산출하여 분석하였다. 피험자는 오른손을 사용하는 5명의 남자 대학생이었고, 불빛 자극 이동경로를 따라 움직이는 불빛 자극의 도달지점에 맞춰 전완 수평 운동 측정기를 스윙하는 과제를 수행하였다. 스윙범위는 10도, 30도와 50도였고, 불빛 자극의 이동 속도는 89㎝/sec, 178㎝/sec, 268㎝/sec, 357㎝/sec와 447㎝/sec 5가지 속도로 제시되었다. 피험자들의 각 조건별 시행(50시행) 중 총 40시행(11~50시행)을 스윙 범위(3) × 불빛 이동 속도(5) MANOVA분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과 스윙범위가 증가하고 불빛 자극의 이동 속도가 빨라지면서 공간 오차는 증가하였지만, 시간 오차와 이원변량 가변오차는 감소하는 것으로 나타났다.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the space-time movement accuracy and consistency and the movement speed in a coincident timing task. This study was designed to measure the timing error in a horizontal dimention and the spatial error in a vertical dimension. The subjects were five right-handed student volunteers from the Seoul National University. The apparatus were an elbow angular displacement bar that allowed rotation about the horizontal and vertical plane and Bassin anticipation timer which was controlled in connection with the bar by computer. The starting position of the bar was in 10°, 30°, and 50° right side from the target and the target was located in the perpendicular direction from the right shoulder. Subjects were told that their task was to start the elbow angular displacement bar when the fifth light from the left on the Bassin stimulus runway come on and to pass through the target of the last light when the last light come on. Each subject took part in three range of motion(10°, 30°, 50°) and five different velocities of target light conditions. The finding of the experiment was that bivariate variable error(BVE) decreased as the movement speed increased by increasing range of motion or increasing the target light speed. Also, spatial error increased as the movement speed increased with the increment of range of motion. The results supported the speed-accuracy relation that the timing accuracy was reversely related with movement speed. However, the spatial accuracy was in accordance with the general explanation of speed-accuracy relation only in the aspect of range of motion rather than the general movement speed.