The study investigates weekday/weekend characteristics of PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations and meteorological elements in Busan. The PM10 concentration is highest on Wednesday and Thursday, and lowest on Sunday. On the other hand, the PM2.5 concentration is highest on Wednesday and lowest on Sunday. The location where concentrations of weekdays and weekend differ the most is Hwakjang-dong, the industrial area, and where they differ the least is Gijang-up and Joa-dong, the residential area. Fine particle concentration in the industrial area was consistent at dawn and in the morning, but varied in the afternoon and at night. The visibility of Sunday was 0.49 km higher than that of weekdays, and the solar radiation of Sunday was 0.11 MJ/㎡ higher than that of weekdays. These results indicate that the concentration of fine particles had influence on the change of visibility and solar radiation.