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계절적 몬순에 의한 댐 인공호 및 농업용 저수지에서의 영양상태지수(TSI), 경험적 수질 모델 및 어류 트로픽 구조 KCI 등재

Influence of Seasonal Monsoon on Trophic State Index (TSI), Empirical Water Quality Model, and Fish Trophic Structures in Dam and Agricultural Reservoirs

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/358370
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한국환경과학회지 (Journal of Environmental Science International)
한국환경과학회 (The Korean Environmental Sciences Society)

The key objective of this study was to evaluate trophic state and empirical water quality models along with analysis of fish trophic guilds in relation to water chemistry (N, P). Trophic state index (TSI), based on total phosphorus (TP) and chlorophyll-a (CHL), ranged between oligotrophic and hypereutrophic state, by the criteria of Nürnberg(1996), and was lower than the trophic state of total nitrogen (TN). Trophic relations of Secchi depth (SD), TN, TP, and CHL were compared using an empirical models of premonsoon (Pr), monsoon (Mo), and postmonsoon (Po). The model analysis indicated that the variation in water transparency of Secchi depth (SD) was largely accounted (p < 0.001, range of R2 : 0.76–0.80) by TP during the seasons of Mo and Po and that the variation of CHL was accounted (p < 0.001, R2 = 0.70) up to 70% by TP during the Po season. The eutrophication tendency, based on the TSITP vs. TSIN:P were predictable (R2 ranged 0.85–0.90, p < 0.001), slope and y intercept indicated low seasonal variability. In the mean time, TSIN:P vs. TSICHL had a monsoon seasonality in relation to values of TSIN:P during the monsoon season due to a dilution of reservoir waters by strong monsoon rainfall. Trophic compositions of reservoir fish reflected ambient contents of TN, TP, and CHL in the reservoir waters. Thus, the proportions of omnivore fish increased with greater trophic conditions of TP, TN and CHL and the proportions of insectivore fish decreased with greater trophic conditions.

 1. 서 론
 2. 재료 및 방법
  2.1. 연구대상 인공호 및 수질자료 분석
  2.2. 수질의 경험적 모델 (empirical model) 및 통계 분석
  2.3. 수체의 부영양화지수 (TSI) 분석
  2.4. 어류의 현장조사 및 조사방법
  2.5. 어류의 트로픽 길드 (trophic guild) 분석
 3. 결과 및 고찰
  3.1. 시기별 영양상태
  3.2. 시기별 Nutrient-CHL 경험적 모델
  3.3. 시기별 부영양화 패턴
  3.4. 부영양화에 따른 시기별 TSICHL의 변이 패턴
  3.5. 어류의 트로픽 구성비
 4. 결론
 감사의 글
 참 고 문 헌
  • 윤영진(충남대학교 생명시스템과학대학 생명과학과) | Young-Jin Yun (Department of Biological Sciences, College of Biosciences and Biotechnology, Chungnam National University)
  • 한정호(충남대학교 생명시스템과학대학 생명과학과) | Jeong-Ho Han (Department of Biological Sciences, College of Biosciences and Biotechnology, Chungnam National University)
  • 안광국(충남대학교 생명시스템과학대학 생명과학과) | Kwang-Guk An (Department of Biological Sciences, College of Biosciences and Biotechnology, Chungnam National University) Corresponding author