Metcalfa pruinosa was considered to be a very harmful invasive species, due to its high species density in nature and wide range of its host plants. M. pruinosa was distributed in 28 sites among 143 sites. M. pruinosa has wide range and diverse host plants of 52 families 110 species including crop, fruits and forest trees. At present, the identified host plant of M. pruinosa are composed of 62 families and 145 species in total since their first appearance was reported. M. pruinosa was found in roadside 46.7%, followed by forests 33.3% and orchard 20%. Nymphs and adults cause damage to crop and orchard by sucking juice, outbreak of fungi through secretion of wax, and reduction of plant assimilation due to the nectar of nymphs. Also, it reduces the merchantable quality of fruits and thus causes economic damage. It is judged that M. pruinosa has been moved along major road via the traffic vehicles.