본 연구는 생활체육 참여자들의 운동중독 검사지의 구조적 타당성검증에 그 목적이 있다. 선행문헌 및 Adams(2001)와 Ogden 등(1997)의 운동중독 질문지(EBS, EDQ)를 토대로 초기 98문항으로 1차 예비판이 제작되었다. 내용타당도와 안면타당도를 거쳐 69문항으로 축소하고, 예비연구를 통해 28문항 5요인 6점 척도(1점: 전혀 아니다~6점: 매우 그렇다)로 결정하였다. 625명의 생활체육 참여자들을 대상으로 탐색적 요인분석 결과 사회적 문제, 운동의존, 금단증세, 운동동기, 운동욕구의 5요인 24문항이 추출되었다. 고유치는 3.54~2.05이고, 요인적재치는 .505~.879로 나타났으며, 전체 설명변량은 56.45%였다. 신뢰도 검증결과 내적합치도 Cronbach' α는 .83~.73로 나타났다. 확인적 요인분석 결과 적합도 지수가 다소 낮았다. 모델 찾기를 통해 수정모델를 검증한 결과 전반적 적합도 지수(Q=3.54 GFI=.93, CFI= .91, RMR=0.087)가 승인 가능한 수준에서 타당화 되었다. 이러한 결과를 토대로 사회심리측정적 관점과 운동중독의 특수성과 관련하여 논의하였으며, 보다 구체적인 준거관련 타당도를 확보하는 등의 후속연구에 대한 필요성을 제시하였다.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the structural validity of exercise addiction measurement instrument on leisure sports participants. For that purpose, the first preliminary version of an exercise measurement instrument was created with 98 items based on exercise addition questionnaires (EBS, EDQ) devised by previous studies and Adams (2001) and Ogden et al (1997). The number of items was contracted to 69 by making reference to contents validity and face validity. The preliminary inquiry led this study to determine the number of items to have 28 items with 5 factors, and a six-point scale (from 1 point : 'not at all' to 6 points : 'very likely'). As the result of having conducted an exploratory factor analysis on 625 exercise participants presented, 5 factors and 24 items were established with social problems, exercise dependences, withdrawal symptoms, exercise motivations, and desires for exercise. The eigenvalue was 3.54 to 2.05, and the factor of loadings were .505 to .879, and the total explanation variable showed 56.45%. The result of the validity test indicated that Cronbach' ɑ = .83 to .73 in its inner agreement. but the score of fit for the model was low. Therefore, the model was modified and analyzed through confirmatory factor analysis, and the scores of Q= 3.54, GFI= .93, CFI= .91, RMR= 0.087. indicate that the model was fit. These results were discussed in terms the uniqueness exercise addiction of psychological measurement and society. This study obtains specific criteria validity and suggests the need of future studies like program development.