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자발적 탄소시장형성에 따른 정책지원방안에 관한 연구 KCI 등재

A Study on Supporting Policy for the Voluntary Carbon Market

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/359082
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한국환경과학회지 (Journal of Environmental Science International)
한국환경과학회 (The Korean Environmental Sciences Society)

Non-Annex I parties announced the voluntary emission reduction targets including the U.S. in the conference of party. NAMAs would be focused to solve the negotiation clue for the post-kyoto regime. Since the country would not be involved in Annex I parties, the voluntary carbon market would be created for the greenhouse gas reduction targets. According to Bali Roadmap, voluntary carbon market should be constructed by the MRV manners since this country does not belong to Annex I parties. Carbon point system would be proposed by the ways of the international voluntary emission reduction credit. The voluntary carbon market should involve the potential GHG reduction credit and link with the ETS in the country. This study proposed the way of linkage between ETS and voluntary carbon market including the carbon-point system.

 1. 서 론
 2. 탄소시장 분석
  2.1. 국내외 CDM 사업 추진 현황
  2.2. 국제 배출권거래시장 동향
 3. 국내 자발적 탄소시장의 현황 및 문제점
 4. 결과 및 고찰
 5. 결 론
 참 고 문 헌
  • 최경식(신라대학교 환경공학과) | Kyoung-sik Choi (Department of Environmental Engineering, Silla University)
  • 하상안(신라대학교 환경공학과) | Sang-an Ha (Department of Environmental Engineering, Silla University) Corresponding Author