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수처리용 유전체장벽 플라즈마 반응기에 대한 기초 연구 KCI 등재

A Basic Study of Plasma Reactor of Dielectric Barrier Discharge for the Water Treatm

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/359124
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한국환경과학회지 (Journal of Environmental Science International)
한국환경과학회 (The Korean Environmental Sciences Society)

This study investigated the degradation of N, N-Dimethyl-4-nitrosoaniline (RNO, indicator of the generation of OH radical) by using dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma. The DBD plasma reactor of this study consisted of a quartz dielectric tube, titanium discharge (inner) and ground (outer) electrode. The effect of shape (rod, spring and pipe) of ground electrode, diameter (9 ~ 30 mm) of ground electrode of spring shape and inside diameter (4 ~ 13 mm) of quartz tube, electrode diameter (1 ~ 4 mm), electrode materials (SUS, Ti, iron, Cu and W), height difference of discharge and ground electrode (1 ~ 15.5 cm) and gas flow rate (1 ~ 7 L/min) were evaluated. The experimental results showed that shape of ground electrode and materials of ground and discharge electrode were not influenced the RNO degradation. The thinner the diameter of discharge and ground electrode, the higher RNO degradation rate observed. The effect of height gap of discharge between ground electrode on RNO degradation was not high within the experimented value. Among the experimented parameters, inside diameter of quartz tube and gas flow rate were most important parameters which are influenced the decomposition of RNO. Optimum inside diameter of quartz tube and gas flow rate were 7 mm and 4 L/min, respectively.

 1. 서 론
 2. 재료 및 방법
  2.1. 실험재료
  2.2. 분석 및 측정
 3. 결과 및 고찰
  3.1. RNO 분해에 미치는 접지 전극 형태의 영향
  3.2. RNO 분해에 미치는 접지 전극 직경과 석영관 내경의 영향
  3.3. RNO 분해에 미치는 전극 직경의 영향
  3.4. RNO 분해에 미치는 전극 재질의 영향
  3.5. RNO 분해에 미치는 전극 높이 차이의 영향
  3.6. RNO 분해에 미치는 공기량의 영향
 4. 결 론
 참 고 문 헌
  • 김동석(대구가톨릭대학교 환경과학과) | Dong-Seog Kim (Department of Environmental Science, Catholic University of Daegu)
  • 박영식(대구대학교 기초교육원) | Young-Seek Park (Faculty of Liberal Education, Daegu University) Corresponding Author