본 연구는 수행력 강화와 선수 중심적 접근을 바탕으로 현장적용 가능한 심리기법과 심상, 루틴, 혼잣말, 목표설정 등의 다양한 중재기법을 통해 테니스 심리기술 훈련 프로그램을 구성하여 그 내용과 효과를 규명하였다. 연구 참여자는 고등학교 2학년 남학생이었으며, Vealey(2007)의 이론을 중심으로 프로그램을 구성하여 총 9회기(4개월) 동안 적용하였다. 측정은 면담, 시합관찰, 질문지(스포츠 심리기술 질문지)의 양적․질적 자료를 기초선과 훈련단계에서 측정하여 훈련 효과를 평가 하였다. 그 결과 연구에 사용된 중재기법들은 2-3개의 심리기술에 영향을 주었다. 또한, 심리검사 결과에서 대부분의 심리기술 요인들이 향상됨을 보였으며, 심층면담 및 주요타자 면담을 통해 기초선 단계에서 나타난 자신감, 목표설정결핍과 불안은 훈련 후 개선되었다. 특히, 서브루틴 후 더블폴트가 현저하게 감소함에 따라 시합 성적에서도 의미 있는 결과가 나타났다.
This paper presents research on a psychological training program, which in combination with a physical training regimen, seeks to enhance the performance of professional tennis athletes. The psychological training program detailed and analyzed here includes image training, self encouragement, goal setting, and other diverse methods. After constructing a training program consistent with Vealey (2007), one male high school junior was selected as the research subject and was subsequently subjected to 9 trials of the program over a course of 4 months. The effectiveness of the training program was gauged by comparing the subject’s pre-training baseline with measures taken throughout the training program period. The measurements were both quantitative and qualitative in nature, including multiple interviews, questionnaire (psychological skill questionnaire in sport), as well as in-game observations. Research results demonstrate that a number of the psychological training methods significantly increased 2 ~ 3 of the subject’s psychological skills. Questionnaire revealed subject’s enhancement in almost all psychological factors measured. Furthermore, in-depth interviews revealed that the program had a significant benefit with respect to treating anxiety and lack of confidence/goal setting as expressed in the baseline measurements. In particular, the subject’s service double faults were reduced dramatically and match win/loss record was also significantly influenced.