Exploring Flowering Locus T Homologs in Panax ginseng Meyer and Their Connection in Ginseng Floral Transition
Background : Panax ginseng Meyer, the king of Oriental medicine is a geophytic perennial shrub. P. ginseng possess long juvenile period which spans for at least 3-years before it could attain reproductive competence. To explore the significance of flowering time genes we isolated, characterized the Flowering Locus T (FT) gene and named as PgFT1 and PgFT2 to understand their role in ginseng floral transition.
Methods and Results : By using extensive cloning and bioinformatics analysis we identified two FT homologs from ginseng a. The deduced PgFT sequences has a considerable homology to established FT homologs with the essential amino acids of a florigen function conserved. The tissue specific expression profiling by Real-time qPCR from the juvenile (2-years-old) and adult (4-year-old) ginseng plants have shown a spatial and temporal expression pattern, furthermore PgFT transcripts exhibited photoperiod dependent oscillation as well. Besides, PgFT1 and PgFT2 have shown an age specific expression pattern, in particular the transcripts were concentrated to the roots of P. ginseng. The ectopic expression of PgFT homologs in Arabidopsis thaliana induce precocious flowering by altering several floral pathway integrators, in addition PgFT1 transgenic Arabidopsis seedlings had an increased root length while, the influence of PgFT2 in transgenic seedlings apart from flowering is as yet to be revealed.
Conclusion : Based on our results, we alleged the spatial and temporal expression of PgFT homologs could be significant in the flowering time transition of ginseng and their age specific expression pattern suggests the roots of ginseng are influential in determining the reproductive competency. On top of it, results from transgenic studies in Arabidopsis claimed that PgFT1 might involve in the underground organ development. Albeit, their molecular regulation, developmental role and the manipulation of PgFTs in ginseng flowering warranties further investigation.