This study was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of ammonia removal by zeolite adsorption in drinking water treatment. In generally, drinking water treatment process is conducted coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation, sand filtration and disinfection. We tested feasibility with two method, one is powdered zeolite dosing to coagulation tank and the other is to substitute granular zeolite for sand of sand filter. In powdered zeolite test, raw water is used tap water with putting of 2mg/l of NH4+-N. Filtration of granular zeolite was conducted with 80cm of effective column high and 120m/d of flow rate. At above 100mg/l of zeolite dosage, ammonia concentration was decreased below 0.5mg/l of NH4+-N in powdered zeolite test. But, turbidity was increased to 30NTU by powdered zeolite dosage. That turbidity was scarcely decreased in generally coagulant using condition in drinking water treatment. In granular zeolite test, ammonia was not detected in treated water until 8 days. This result suggest that using of granular zeolite in sand filter could be removal ammonia in winter. But we need regeneration at zeolite filtration for ammonia removal. So, it is to make clear that zeolite regeneration ability was compared KCl with NaCl. The result reveal that KCl was more excellent than NaCl. Optimum regeneration concentration of KCl was revealed 100 mM. Regeneration efficient was not increased at pH range 10~12.5