Biosorption of Pb was evaluated for plants, Persicaria chinensis, Oenanthe javanica and Salvinia natans. The adsorption equilibrium was reached in about lhr for Pb and the highest adsorption capacity was 150㎎ Pb/g biomass at S. natans. Pb adsorption process showed a pseudo second order irreversible reaction. The highest initial adsorption rate was 2000㎎ Pb/g biomass/hr at O. javanica. In spite of pH variation, Pb adsorption capacity by P. chinensis was maintained uniformly. When light metals concentrations were increased in the solution, Pb was selectively adsorbed. The selectivity of mixture solution showed the adsorption order of Pb>Cu>Cr>Cd. The Pb adsorption capacity of P. chinensis pretreated with NaOH was increased by 30% in comparison with that of no treatment.