A three-dimensional ecosystem model is applied to the Suyoung Bay, located at the southeastern part of Korea, to study of the material distribution in the time scale of several tens days. The model has included of the DIN(Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen), DIP(Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate), phytoplankton, zooplankton and detritus, and also was coupled with the physical processes. The spatial distribution of chlorophyll-a and primary productivity in the model is determined by the physical and chemical-biological parameters. The horizontal distributions of the DIN, DIP and chlorophyll-a are decreased from the coast to the off-shore, though the nutrients show some more complicated pattern than the chlorophyll-a. The nutrient contents in the off shore are low, and thus a relatively low productivity(chlorophyll-a) are presented. On the whole, the distribution of the results of model are smoother than the observed ones and some small scale variation in the observed data cannot be reproduced by the model due to the resolution limits of model. However, the basic pattern and the quantitavities has been reproduced by the model well.