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Exact Algorithm for the Weapon Target Assignment and Fire Scheduling Problem KCI 등재

표적 할당 및 사격순서결정문제를 위한 최적해 알고리즘 연구

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/367807
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
한국산업경영시스템학회지 (Journal of Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)
한국산업경영시스템학회 (Society of Korea Industrial and Systems Engineering)

We focus on the weapon target assignment and fire scheduling problem (WTAFSP) with the objective of minimizing the makespan, i.e., the latest completion time of a given set of firing operations. In this study, we assume that there are m available weapons to fire at n targets (> m). The artillery attack operation consists of two steps of sequential procedure : assignment of weapons to the targets; and scheduling firing operations against the targets that are assigned to each weapon. This problem is a combination of weapon target assignment problem (WTAP) and fire scheduling problem (FSP). To solve this problem, we define the problem with a mixed integer programming model. Then, we develop exact algorithms based on a dynamic programming technique. Also, we suggest how to find lower bounds and upper bounds to a given problem. To evaluate the performance of developed exact algorithms, computational experiments are performed on randomly generated problems. From the results, we can see suggested exact algorithm solves problems of a medium size within a reasonable amount of computation time. Also, the results show that the computation time required for suggested exact algorithm can be seen to increase rapidly as the problem size grows. We report the result with analysis and give directions for future research for this study. This study is meaningful in that it suggests an exact algorithm for a more realistic problem than existing researches. Also, this study can provide a basis for developing algorithms that can solve larger size problems.

1. 서 론
 2. 문헌 연구
 3. 문제 정의 및 설명
 4. 최적해 알고리즘
  4.1 두 개 포병부대 문제에 대한 동적계획법(Dynamic programming; DP) 알고리즘
  4.2 세 개 포병부대 문제에 대한 동적계획법(Dynamic programming; DP) 알고리즘
  4.3 DP 기반 알고리즘 전체 개요
 5. 알고리즘 실험
 6. 결 론
  • BongJoo Jeong(Department of Industrial and Management Engineering, Hannam University) | 정봉주 Corresponding Author
  • Young-Ho Cha(BCTP(Battle Command Training Program), Republic of Korea Army, Korea) | 차영호