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한국어 경북방언 의문문의 통사구조와 운율구조의 관계에 대하여 KCI 등재

The Syntactic Interpretation of Wh-Phrases in North Gyeongsang Korean and Changes in the Prosodic Structure

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/367885
서비스가 종료되어 열람이 제한될 수 있습니다.
현대문법연구 (Studies in Modern Grammar)
현대문법학회 (The Society Of Modern Grammar)

Morphosyntactic and prosodic information is accessed by native speakers of North Gyeongsang Korean when interrogatives are interpreted. The present study investigates the interface between these structures. To do so, the study analyzes the syntactic and prosodic structures of the dialect’s yes/no and wh-questions, and then examines the rate of comprehension and acceptance of the two types of the interrogatives in a perception test. The prosodic structures in the test are modified by transplantation, the results of which allow us to find out the following. First, presented with the interrogatives whose syntactic and prosodic structures did not match, the native subjects of Gyeongsang Korean relied more on the prosodic structures than on the syntactic ones. Second, changes in prosodic structures had a strong influence on simple sentences, but relatively less so on complex sentences. These results lead to the conclusion that prosodic structures are the decisive factor in syntactic interpretations, and, accordingly, are intricately intertwined with the syntactic structures during the processing of interrogatives.

1. 머리말
 2. 이론적 배경과 선행연구 검토
 3. 경북방언 의문문의 통사와 운율구조
 4. 실험 I: 운율구조의 치환과 의문문의 해석
  4.1. 실험 자극: 억양 곡선의 치환
  4.2. 실험 절차와 방법
  4.3. 실험 결과와 논의
 5. 실험 II: 운율구조의 치환과 의문문의 수용성
  5.1. 실험 절차와 방법
  5.2. 실험 결과와 논의
 6. 맺음말
  • 윤원희(계명대) | Weonhee Yun
  • 박선우(계명대) | Sunwoo Park 교신저자
  • 엄홍준(계명대) | Hong-Joon Um
  • 김기태(계명대) | Ki-tae Kim
  • 김용하(안동대) | Yong-Ha Kim