This study was performed to investigate the relationship between concentrations of heavy metals in sediment and the depths of 27 sampling sites along the West Nakdong river in downstream of Nakdong River. The deepest site was Kangdong bridge nearby 20ft. From here, the depth was shallowed to Chidong gradually. In each site the smaller mesh was, the higer concentration of heavy metal becomed. Concentration of Zn, Cd, Cr and Cu at inflow point of Shinoe stream was 576.016 ppm, 262.307 ppm, 68.674 ppm and 61.634 ppm, respectively, the concentration was the higest at this point. From here, it was lowered gradually. The concentration of heavy metal at inflow point of Joman river was 155.328 ppm, 56.485 ppm, 25.200 ppm and 31.172 ppm, respectively, those concentrations were higer than other points with the exception of Shinoe stream.
Therefore, Joman river and Shinoe stream were the major source of pollution in West Nakdong river. Among two sources Shinoe stream was more important source of pollution. West Nakdong river has become lake by Noksan floodgate because it`s pollution has had influence on Bonglim.