李清照与佛教的关系问题,迄今为止少人关注。 其自号“易安居士”并非仅仅出于自命清高,从现有史 料来看,家世变故、无子、亲朋影响等是促成其接近佛教的主要原因。从其诗词文的用典、境界、意象 等还可发现其对佛教的态度。借助佛教这一视角,李清照诗词中的意象选择、修辞手段及其风格等问题 都可得到新的诠释。 李清照正是以其独特的人生体验走近佛学,借以解脱人生苦痛,并有机地融佛学思 想于其作品之中。 其词作的悲凉、哀艳之美正源于此。 “李清照对宗教是冷漠的”之说法值得商榷。 女居士 文人与佛教之关系是个值得深入探究的课题。
The relationship between Li Qingzhao and Buddhism has been less concerned. Self‐titled Yi’an Jushi,it couldn’t just be the reason of self‐loftiness. From the research of existing historical data, family misfortune, seedless and the influence of friends and family were the main reasons made Li Qingzhao approached to Buddhism. From the use of her Ci‐poetry allusion, imagery and realm,we can also find Li Qingzhao’s attitude about Buddhism. And with a new view of Buddhism, the problems such as the choice of imagery, the method of rhetoric and the style of Li Qingzhao’s Ci‐poems can be interpreted in a new way. Because of her unique life experience, Li Qingzhao approached Buddhism to relief the pain of life, and organic merged Buddhist thought into her works. The sadness and beauty of Li Qingzhao’s works just come from this. So, “Li Qingzhao’s indifference to Religion” is worth discussing, and the relationship between female Buddhist literati and Buddhism is still a subject worthy of further exploration and study.