초장대 사장교 Prototype 설계를 위한 내풍구조 특성을 분석하기 위하여 기존 장경간 사장교의 가설계 및 완성계에 대한 동적구조특성을 분석하고, 가상의 1,500m급 초장대 사장교의 동적구조특성을 추정하여 풍동실험을 수행함으로써 내풍안정성이 우수한 보강형 단면을 도출하였다. 경제성을 고려하여 유선형 강박스 보강형 단면을 가진 주경간장 1,200m의 초장대 사장교를 Prototype 설계안으로 선정하였으며, 가설단계를 포함한 3차원 공탄성모형에 대한 풍동실험을 수행하고, 국내외 대표적인 장경간 사장교와 풍응답 특성을 비교 검토한 결과 설계풍속이내에서 와류진동이나 플러터와 같은 유해한 진동현상이 발생하지 않으므로 Prototype 설계안은 우수한 내풍구조 특성을 가지고 있는 것으로 평가된다.
The structural dynamic characteristics of the present long span cable-stayed bridges under construction and in service were investigated to study the aerodynamic characteristics of a super long span cable-stayed bridge for prototype design. The wind tunnel tests were carried out to find an optimized bridge deck section on the assumption that the main span of the bridge increases as 1,500 m and estimation of the structural dynamic characteristics of it. The streamlined one-box girder section with a main span of 1,200 m was adopted as a super long span cable-stayed bridge prototype design considering structural economics. The 3-dimensional aeroelastic model tests were carried out including erection stages and the wind-induced responses were compared with those of the representative long span cable-stayed bridges of the world. It is estimated that the prototype bridge design has superior aerodynamic stability since harmful vibrations such as vortex-shedding or flutter were not observed within the design wind speed.