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탈피대두를 이용한 신속 두유 제조 및 품질 특성 KCI 등재

Rapid Soybean-Milk Preparation with Dehulled Soybean and Its Quality Properties

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/386238
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한국식품영양학회지 (The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition)
한국식품영양학회 (The Korean Society of Food and Nutrition)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the quality of dehulled soybean (DHSB), and the rapid preparation possibility of soybean milk with DHSB (SM-DHSB), and then the quality of SM-DHSB. In DHSB, the moisture content decreased, the crude protein, crude fat, minerals, and carbohydrate contents increased, and the isoflavone (daidzein, genistein and glycitein) content was similar to that of soybean (SB). The water absorption rate of DHSB for soybean milk preparation was higher than that of SB. In the results of SM-DHSB and soybean milk (SM) qualities, the crude protein content, total solid content, and the viscosity of SM-DHSB were higher, the yield and the proximate composition (except crude protein) were similar, and the Biji production rate, and total dietary fiber content of SM-DHSB were lower compared to the SM. In terms of the isoflavone contents of SM-DHSB, daidzein and genistein content were similar, and glycitein content was lower compared with the SM. Consequently, these results suggest the possible use of DHSB for rapid SM-DHSB preparation, because the soaking time was decreased by the high water absorption rate of DHSB in the SM preparation, and the quality of SM-DHSB improved compared to those of the SM.

서 론
재료 및 방법
    1. 재료
    2. 대두의 일반성분 및 총 식이섬유 함량
    3. 대두의 이소플라본 함량
    4. 침지 과정에서 대두의 수분흡수속도
    5. 두유의 제조
    6. 두유의 일반성분 및 총 식이섬유 함량
    7. 두유의 수율 및 비지량
    8. 두유의 고형분 함량 및 점도
    9. 두유의 이소플라본 함량
    10. 통계처리
결과 및 고찰
    1. 일반대두와 탈피대두의 일반성분 비교
    2. 대두의 이소플라본 함량 비교
    3. 침지 공정에서 일반대두와 탈피대두의 수분흡수속도비교
    4. 일반두유와 탈피대두 두유의 일반성분 및 총식이섬유함량 비교
    5. 일반두유와 탈피대두 두유의 품질특성 비교
    6. 일반두유와 탈피대두 두유의 이소플라본 함량 비교
요약 및 결론
  • 김진솔(충북대학교 식품생명공학과) | Jin-Sol Kim (Dept. Food Sciences and Biotechnology, Chungbuk National University)
  • 한인범(충북대학교 식품생명공학과) | In-Bom Han (Dept. Food Sciences and Biotechnology, Chungbuk National University)
  • 정의환(충북대학교 식품생명공학과) | Ui-Hwan Jung (Dept. Food Sciences and Biotechnology, Chungbuk National University)
  • 차승현(충북대학교 식품생명공학과) | Seung-Hyeon Cha (Dept. Food Sciences and Biotechnology, Chungbuk National University)
  • 현태경(충북대학교 특용식물학과) | Tae Kyung Hyun (Dept. Industrial Plant Science and Technology, Chungbuk National University)
  • 김순환(두드림협동조합) | Soon-Hwan Kim (Dodream-coop)
  • 하진석(충북테크노파크) | Jin-Seok Ha (Chungbuk Technopark)
  • 장금일(충북대학교 식품생명공학과) | Keum-Il Jang (Dept. Food Sciences and Biotechnology, Chungbuk National University) Corresponding author