Asthma is a chronic diseases that restricts the air passage ways and which is thought to be caused by several factors such as genetics, obesity, mVOC, air pollution, allergens, and fungi. Domestic information on fungi in the indoor air in the houses of asthma patients in the spring and fall is rarely available. Thus, this study was carried out to investigate fungal concentration and diversity. Air samples were collected from the houses of 6 asthma patient in April and October of 2017 located in Seoul and Gyeonggi Provinces using an impaction method. The average concentrations of suspended fungi in the indoor air at the houses of adult asthma patient in October exceeded the 500 CFU/m3 level recommended by the Enforcement Managements of the Indoor Air Quality Control Act. A total of 70 fungi were isolated and identified. Four genera and 11 species were from the April sampling and 10 genera and 27 species were from the October sampling. Among the identified fungi, five species, Arthrinium marii, Penicillium austrosinicum, Penicillium concavorugulosum, Penicillium exsudans and Penicillium johnkrugii were found to be unrecorded species in Korea. The known properties of all identified fungi and the morphological and molecular characteristics of the five unrecorded species were described.