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Two Structures of Serial Verb Constructions KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/388941
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현대문법연구 (Studies in Modern Grammar)
현대문법학회 (The Society Of Modern Grammar)

The purpose of this study is to investigate serial verb constructions (hereafter, SVCs), and provide how two verbs combine to represent a single event. Examining the argument structures of verbs, we propose that SVCs fall into two types: one is total argument sharing, and the other is partial argument sharing. These different types of sharing should have a distinct merger considering the argument structures. When two verbs in an SVC share their all arguments (internal and external arguments), namely total sharing, the serialization of two verbs takes place at the level of (categorial) head (head-head merger). In the case of partial sharing, the merger occurs at a phrase level (phrase-phrase merger): that is, after each verb meets their internal argument requirement. Previously asserted arguments about the relations between two verbs (namely, adjunction and complementation) are reexamined, and this study will employ the labeling algorithm to resolve their shortcomings.

1. Introduction
2. Two Types of Argument Sharing
    2.1. Classifying SVCs Based on the Type of Argument Sharing
    2.2. Adjunction and Complementation
3. Head-Head Merger and Phrase-Phrase Merger
    3.1. Head-head Merger for Total Sharing
    3.2. Phrase-phrase Merger for Partial Sharing
4. Conclusion
  • Kyoungmi Lee(Kyungpook National University)