감성지능(EQ)은 현대 심리학에서 매우 중요한 주제이다. 전문 분야와 학교에서 이루어진 기존 연구들은 모든 사람을 대상으로 하면서 학교생활에서 학생들의 전반적인 성공을 다루고 있다. 최근 직장과 대학 캠퍼스의 감성지능에 관한 여러 연구들은 감성지능이 한국 교육 연구에 있어 그만큼 중요한 관심사가 되고 있음을 입증한다. 본 연구는 한국에서의 교육 연구와 감성지능에 대한 새로운 통찰을 마련하기 위해 한국 대학교에서 100여명 대학생을 상대로 설문조사 및 데이터분석을 통해 연구하였다. 연구결과로 첫째, 남학생의 감성지능이 여학생보다 더 높았고, 둘째, 다른 초등 및 중학생을 대상으로 한 테스트와 비교해 볼 때, 101명의 대학생 1학년의 감성지능이 초등학생과 매우 유사한 수준으로 나타났다. 그러나 정서조절능력에서는 대학생 1학년이 더 높게 나타난 반면, 정서표현 측면에서는 더 낮은 수준을 보여주었다. 본 연구의 결론은 학생들을 격려, 지지하면서 그들의 긍정적이고 의미있는 경험을 할 수 있도록 하고 정서적 학습을 향상시키는 교육적 실천의 필요성을 보여 줌으로써 한국의 교육 현장에 중요한 영향을 끼친다.
Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a topic that has become important for modern psychology. Having been researched in professional and school environments, it is an issue that addresses the whole person and informs the overall success of people in school. The topic has become an important concern for Korean educational research, as evidenced by several recent studies on emotional intelligence in the workplace and on the university campus. To build on studies in this topic in educational research and provide a new insight on emotional intelligence in Korea, a study was conducted at a Korean university. In 2019, a simple quantitative test with sections based on five different aspects of emotional intelligence, emotional perception, emotional regulation, empathy, emotional expression, and emotional utilization, with 47 multiple choice questions was administered to 101 freshmen university students from a Korean university. The EQ test was based on a 1996 test first developed by Seoul National University for elementary and middle school students and was adapted for university students. The results of this simple quantitative test showed differences between gender and major among the various university students. Furthermore, the males were shown to have a higher level of emotional intelligence than females. Additionally, compared to the 1996 study that tested elementary and middle school students, freshmen university students from this sample of 101 were shown to have a very similar level of emotional intelligence to the elementary students who had been tested in 1996. However, they demonstrated a higher level of emotional regulation and a lower level of emotional expression. The findings of this test have important implications for the field of education in Korea, as they reveal a need to implement educational practices that will encourage and support students and enable them to have a positive and meaningful experience in school and boost their emotional learning.