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Effect of Ankle Taping Type and Jump Height on Balance during Jump Landing in Chronic Ankle Instability KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/395168
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국제물리치료연구학회 (International Academy of Physical Therapy Research)

Background: Chronic ankle instability is a common injury that decreases balance and negatively affects functional movements, such as jumping and landing.
Objectives: To analyze the effect of taping types and jump heights on balance with eyes open and closed during jump landings in chronic ankle instability.
Design: Within-subject design.
Methods: The study involved 22 patients with chronic ankle instability. They performed both double-leg and single-leg drop jump landings using three conditions (elastic taping, non-elastic taping, and barefoot) on three different jump platforms (30, 38, and 46 cm). Balance was measured using the Romberg's test with eyes open and closed.
Results: Interaction effect was not statistically significant. Balance with eyes open and closed was significantly improved in both the elastic taping and non-elastic taping conditions compared to the barefoot condition. There was no significant difference according to the jump height. Conclusion: Individuals with chronic ankle instability demonstrated increased balance ability with eyes open and closed when jump landing. Elastic taping and non-elastic taping on the ankle joint can positively affect balance during landing in individuals with chronic ankle instability.

    Experimental Procedures
    Outcome Measures
    Data and Statistical Analyses
    General characteristics of the subjects
    Results of changes in balance according to tapingtype and jump height
  • Mikyoung Kim(Department of Physical Therapy, Namseoul University)
  • Byungsun Kong(Department of Physical Therapy, Namseoul University)
  • Kyungtae Yoo(Department of Physical Therapy, Namseoul University)