A Typological Comparison of Word Order Between Chinese and Korean Adpositions
本文根据语序类型学理论,确立汉韩介词联系项系统,考察汉韩介词联系项的句法功 能和语义功能,并在此基础上进行对比分析,证实类型学参项内容。汉语的介词、韩语的 一些助词和惯用型都为动词介引间接论元,表明动词与之论元之间的关系,具有介词联系 项功能。汉韩两种语言的介词(韩语的助词和惯用型)在介宾短语内的介词语序类型以及 数量上有较大的差异:汉语有前置介词、后置介词和框式介词,数量也不断增多,属于半 开放性词项,而韩语只有后置介词,数量少而较稳定,是半封闭性词项。汉语前置介词和 韩语后置介词是类型学上的和谐组配,汉语和韩语的介词参项特点符合类型学共性原则, 反映了SVO类型语言和SOV类型语言的介词联系项差异。汉韩介词中表境事和关事的介词比 较多,而表比事、因事、主事和客事的介词都比较少。
Based on the theories of word order typology, this study intends to establish the system of adpositionsfrom Chinese and Koreanin terms of typological parametersbyexamining and comparing their syntactic and semantic functions. Many Chinese prepositions and Koreangrammaticalauxiliaries areadposition universals in preposition-based argument structure for leveragingsubject and predicate relationship. Chinese has an increasing number of prepositions, postpositions and circumpositionsina semi-open state, but Korean has a relatively small and stable number of postpositions in a semi-closed form.Despite the discrepancy ofnumbers and types between the two languages, Chinese preposition and Korean postposition are congenial pairs from a typological perspective,indicating the contrast of adpositions between SVO and SOV languages,given that both languages havemore adpositionsof situational and relational functionsthan of comparative, causal,subjective and predicative functions.