一直以来,商务汉语教学旨在培养语言学习者的语言运用能力、职场沟通能力及跨文 化能力,但目前学界关于商务汉语教学的研究多集中于课程体系设置和教学方法的革新等 操作性层面,教学过程中的三个“间性”维度却很少有人触碰:即话语间性、主体间性与 文化间性。这三个维度分别涉及到文本阅读和语境理解的关系,学习者和教师之间的关系 以及语言学习者对不同文化之间的理解方式。在商务汉语的学习目标和学科定位的框架之 下对三个“间性”维度进行研究,不仅有助于教育者在商务汉语教学中根据学习者的学习 经历,文化背景去采取不同的教育方法和手段,也有利于学习者更为准确的把握文本内 涵,进行具有创造性的阅读和写作。
Chinese business teaching aims to train the ability of learners in language applying, workplace communicating and inter-culture communicating. By now, however, most of the researchers have focused on the teaching designing or the method improving. Few of the scholars noticed the three “inter” dimensions in business Chinese teaching: interdiscursivity, intersubjectivity and interculturality. In detail, the interdiscursivity means the relationship between the text reading and the context understanding, while the intersubjectivity refers to the relationship between teachers and learners. Moreover, the concept “Interculturality” means the way learners understand the different kinds of culture. The study on those three “inter” dimensions in business Chinese teaching could not only help teachers in method applying in business Chinese teaching, but also provide a more efficient way in reading, writing and understanding.