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한국 언어인류학 연구의 성과와 전망 KCI 등재

Achievements and prospects of Korean linguistic anthropology research

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/400549
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 8,600원
사회언어학 (The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea)
한국사회언어학회 (The Sociolinguistic Society of Korea)

This paper aims to discuss the achievements of linguistic anthropology research conducted by Korean anthropologists since the mid-1980s. It examines the main themes which Korean linguistic anthropologists have investigated for the last three decades. The categories of the main topics can be summarized as follows: (1) the relationship between language and culture, (2) ethnography of communication, (3) verbal art and performance, (4) the issues of language ideology, globalization, and semiotic approaches. My review of the previous works on these topics demonstrates that Korean linguistic anthropology has evolved from the works mainly devoted to documentation and description of specific language communities to more critical approaches to language practices and ideologies as embedded in wider social contexts. The recent works tend to criticize the previous works’ static and fixed notions of language and culture, while emphasizing individual speakers’ strategic and political uses of language and the power dynamics that constitute and reconstitute the social effects of language in context.

1. 머리말: 언어인류학의 소개
2. 언어와 문화
    2.1. 언어 민속지 연구
    2.2. 언어와 분류체계
    2.3. 언어사회화
3. 언어와 사회
    3.1. 의사소통의 민족지학
    3.2. 친척용어의 구조와 사용
    3.3. 존댓말의 구조와 사용
    3.4. 다중언어 사용 공동체와 언어사용
4. 언어예술
    4.1. 언어예술과 장르
    4.2. 말놀이, 농담
    4.3. 의례와 종교언어
5. 언어인류학의 확장과 변화
    5.1. 언어이데올로기
    5.2. 전지구화와 다중언어 사용
    5.3. 기호인류학과 구별 짓기
6. 결론: 앞으로의 과제와 전망
  • 강윤희(서울대학교 인류학과) | Kang Yoonhee