Bush Growth and Fruit Quality of ‘Duke’ Blueberry Influenced by Nutrition Supply Periods in Unheated Plastic House
본 시험에서는 블루베리 양액재배시 양분공급시기가 수체 생육과 과실품질에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 알아보고자 수행하였다. 신초생장은 1차, 2차 생장량은 비슷한 경향이었으나, 3 차 생장량은 수확종료 15일 전 중단한 처리에 비해 수확종료 직후와 수확종료 후 15일에 공급을 중단한 처리가 각각 15.4%, 15.6% 생장을 많이 하는 경향이었고, 수확종료 후 60 일에 양분공급을 중단한 처리는 수확종료 15일전에 중단한 처리보다 3차 생장량이 53.2% 증가하는 경향이었다. 양액공급 후 이듬해 꽃눈수를 조사한 결과 수확종료 후 60일에 양분 공급을 중단한 처리는 수확종료 15일전에 중단한 처리보다 26% 적었다. 처리별 과실특성은 과실중, 당도, 산도 등은 처리 간 큰 차이가 없었으며, 주당 수량은 수확종료 15일전이 2.1kg, 수확종료 직후와 수확종료 후 15일에 양분을 중단한 처리가 2.5kg으로 가장 많았으며, 수확종료 후 45일과 60일에 양분을 중단한 처리는 1.8kg으로 가장 작았다.
In this study, we investigated the effect of nutrient supply periods on the fruit growth and quality of ‘Duke’ blueberry. The nutrient solution was contained with NO3-N 4.6, NH4-N 3.4, PO4-P 3.3, K 3.0, Ca 4.6, and Mg 2.2 mmol·L-1, and EC in the nutrient solution was 1.5 ds.m-1. In 2017 and 2018, an individual blueberry bush was supplied with 8 L of the nutrient solution per week. In 2018, the drainage water quality of growing medium and fruit quality was investigated. The nutrient supply was started from April 01, and stopped at 15 days intervals as follows, 15 days before final harvest, at the final harvest date (June 30), 15 days after final harvest (DAFH), 30 DAFH, 45 DAFH, and 60 DAFH. The content of inorganic components in the growing medium was not significantly different by the stop time of nutrient supply, but the content of phosphorus (P2O5) tended to increase with the delay of stop time of nutrient supply. There were no significant differences in the fruit quality characteristics in terms of size, sugar content, and acidity among the different stop time of nutrient supply. The blueberry yield was tended to decrease with the delay of periods of nutrient supply, while the lowest yield of 1.8 kg was recorded when nutrient supply stopped at 45 and 60 DAFH.