
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 37

        2020.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 시험에서는 블루베리 양액재배시 양분공급시기가 수체 생육과 과실품질에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 알아보고자 수행하였다. 신초생장은 1차, 2차 생장량은 비슷한 경향이었으나, 3 차 생장량은 수확종료 15일 전 중단한 처리에 비해 수확종료 직후와 수확종료 후 15일에 공급을 중단한 처리가 각각 15.4%, 15.6% 생장을 많이 하는 경향이었고, 수확종료 후 60 일에 양분공급을 중단한 처리는 수확종료 15일전에 중단한 처리보다 3차 생장량이 53.2% 증가하는 경향이었다. 양액공급 후 이듬해 꽃눈수를 조사한 결과 수확종료 후 60일에 양분 공급을 중단한 처리는 수확종료 15일전에 중단한 처리보다 26% 적었다. 처리별 과실특성은 과실중, 당도, 산도 등은 처리 간 큰 차이가 없었으며, 주당 수량은 수확종료 15일전이 2.1kg, 수확종료 직후와 수확종료 후 15일에 양분을 중단한 처리가 2.5kg으로 가장 많았으며, 수확종료 후 45일과 60일에 양분을 중단한 처리는 1.8kg으로 가장 작았다.
        2019.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        블루베리는 호산성 식물로 피트모스를 활용한 상토에서 잘 자라며 관목인 점을 고려하여 용기재배를 많이 하고 있고 또한 고령화에 대비해 생력적으로 생산할 수 있는 재배기술 개발이 요구되고 있다. 본 시험에서는 블루 베리 양액재배시 공급량 및 공급횟수가 수체생육과 과실 품질에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 수행하였다. 시험방법은 3년생 ‘듀크’ 품종을 대상으로 피트모스와 펄라이트의 용량을 각각 130L, 40L(v/v)로 하여 용기(60×80×40cm)에 식재하고 톱밥으로 멀칭한 후 2015년과 2016년에 양액 공급량을 4L와 8L로 나누어 4월 중순부터 7월 하순까지 1회, 2회, 3회 공급하여 수체생육 및 과실품질을 조사하였다. 양액은 NO3-N 4.6, NH4-N 3.4, PO4-P 3.3, K 3, Ca 4.6, Mg 2.2mmol·L-1를 주당 공급하였다. 채소에 서 양액재배시 적정 배액율은 20∼30%로 알려져 있는 데 본 시험에서 평균 배액량은 4L 2회/7일 처리가 27%, 4L 3회/7일 처리가 29%로 다른 처리에 비해 적당하였 다. 블루베리의 생육을 보면, 생육후반 8L/3회/7일 처리에서 신초장은 31cm, 신초경은 4.2mm로 가장 컸지만 질소를 많이 줄수록 도장하는 경향이었다. 배액의 무기 성분 함량은 생육초반에 질소를 많이 흡수하는 경향이었고, 처리별 과실특성은 과립중, 가용성 고형물 함량 및 산함량 등은 처리간 유의차가 없었으며, 수량은 4L 3회/ 7일 처리가 주당 2.7kg으로 가장 많았고, 4L 1회/7일 처 리가 1.4kg로 가장 작았다. 따라서 배액량, 수량, 수체 및 과실생육 등을 감안해볼 때 블루베리 양액재배시 조 금씩 자주 공급한 처리 즉 4L 3회/7일 처리로 공급하는 것이 적당한 것으로 판단되었다.
        2018.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined images typical to this city and explored ways to develop cultural products using these images. Researchers reviewed literature about fashion cultural products and related previous research, and then conducted a closed-ended survey to analyze universal fashion preferences. For the examination material, such a way was used as information data base and network review inside and outside the country, dissertation screen, and published media including separate volumes. The following are considering points in the developing process. First, the study identified design, color, price, practicality and quality as factors that should be taken into consideration when using the image of Gangneung. In particular, it determined that the image needs to reflect a modern sensibility while maximizing its representation of local culture. Second, Gangneung’s symbolic image should incorporate the sea, Gyeongpo, and coffee. In other words, the sea, Gyeongpo, and coffee should receive top symbolic priority. Third, from a development perspective, the most appropriate items for displaying the image include t-shirts, keychains, umbrellas, or other accessories, since these items are easily available in terms of price. In sum, this study highlighted the necessity of reconsidering Gangneung’s currents ymbolic image, suggesting that a new image should be developed. Developing a typical fashion cultural product image will enrich Gangneung’s cultural industry and the distribution of newly designed products will improve the localeconomy.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 유식사상의 아뢰야식과 정신분석의 무의식을 비교하여 인간 마음의 본질에 대해서 고찰하였다. 무의식과 아뢰야식의 심층 적인 비교를 통하여 서양의 상담이론과 불교 상담의 통합적인 상담 의 이론적 근거를 마련하고 내담자에 대한 깊은 통찰을 이끌어 내고 자 하는 상담자들에게 도움을 주고자 하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 두 이론의 공통점은 인간의 마음은 자신이 인지하는 부분과 그렇 지 못하는 여러 층으로 되어 있으며, 그 중에서도 무의식과 아뢰야식 은 인간의 행위와 사고에 많은 영향을 주는 경험의 저장소로서 언제 든지 현실로 발현될 수 있는 가능성으로 존재한다는 것이다. 차이점으로는 프로이트의 무의식은 본능적인 측면으로 자아와의 대립관계 로 억압되어 현실에서 왜곡되어 나타나는 부정적인 측면과 본능에 의한 고정불변을 강조한 반면, 유식사상의 아뢰야식은 각자의 과거 로부터 훈습하고 찰나생멸의 반복과정을 겪으며 유기적으로 흐른다는 것이다. 이와 같이 프로이트의 무의식과 유식사상의 아뢰야식의 비교함으 로써 정신분석의 무의식이론에 대한 한계를 유식사상의 아뢰야식을 통하여 보완함으로써 진정한 자기의 뿌리가 무엇인지 자각하도록 한다. 그리고 현실과 정신의 괴리감에 고통스러워하는 내담자에 대한 상담자의 통찰과 내담자 스스로 자신과의 소통을 통해 행복한 삶으 로 나아갈 수 있도록 하는 기초가 되는 데 이 연구의 의의가 있다고 하겠다.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study proposes an educational direction to be followed by the clothing departments of Korea's specialized high schools in order to help achieve high levels of job placements and to strengthen their students' competitiveness. A comparison was made of the curricula in Korea's specialized high schools and in several fashion schools in other countries including the United States, Italy, France, Taiwan, and Japan. To this end, publicly available educational records were retrieved from domestic school documentation, vocational high school portals, and domestic/overseas school web sites, and were then reviewed. The archival data extracted from these sources shows that the curricula of the three chosen domestic schools uniformly focus on foundational courses such as general computer skills, general design, accounting principles, design principles, and drawing, as well as practical courses such as the design of western clothing, fashion design, fashion CAD, management of clothing material, design of Korean clothing, and knitting. Unlike these standardized courses, it was found that overseas fashion schools provide a more technically-advanced and design-focused education based on the interests of the individual student. Moreover, their education system nurtures the students' creativity through adequate field experience and history/language education. The findings of this study suggest that Korean specialized high schools should find a way to accommodate their students' interests and to provide them with personalized fashion education by adopting a more flexible curriculum. An educational line that considers the individual student's aptitudes and career path will help foster creativity and novel ideas, which, in turn, will contribute to the development of the fashion industry.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Porous W with controlled pore characteristics was fabricated by a freeze-drying process. WO3 powder and camphene were used as the source materials of W and sublimable vehicles, respectively. Camphene slurries with WO3 contents of 10 and 15 vol% were prepared by milling at 50˚C with a small amount of oligomeric polyester dispersant. Freezing of a slurry was done in a Teflon cylinder attached to a copper bottom plate cooled at -25˚C while the growth direction of the camphene was unidirectionally controlled. Pores were generated subsequently by sublimation of the camphene during drying in air for 48 h. The green body was hydrogen-reduced at 800˚C for 30 min and sintered in a furnace at 900˚C for 1 h under a hydrogen atmosphere. Microstructural observation revealed that all of the sintered samples were composed of only W phase and showed large pores which were aligned parallel to the camphene growth direction. The porosity and pore size increased with increasing camphene content. The difference in the pore characteristics depending on the slurry concentration may be explained by the degree of powder rearrangement in the slurry. The results strongly suggest that a porous metal with the required pore characteristics can be successfully fabricated by a freeze-drying process using metal oxide powders.
        2011.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze Bakst's stage costume illustrations for Ballets Russes. The Russian Ballets has renown in the West since the early 20th century. Diaghilev first made his name as the organizer of art exhibitions in Russia and Western Europe. Diaghilev risked presenting only ballets in 1909, that time Bakst designed Schéhérazade, L'Oiseau de Feu and Le Carnival. Schéhérazade was something new which overwhelmed the French people by then. It was seen to be the achievement of Wagner's idea where all the elements; the music, the design, the choreography, and the dancing fused into a perfect whole. The entire production was a hitherto unseen harmony of colors, sounds and movements. For the 1911 season in Paris, Diaghilev planned to present six new ballets and Bakst designed four ballets. Bakst's design of the set and the costume greatly shocked the audience. His "Originality" shines on the fact that he introduced a palette of colors in theater for the first time in history. He used a magic of colors to suggest the secret meaning of what was happening on the stage. The results can be divided into three distinct characteristics. First, oriental designs such as Cléopâtre, Schéhérazade, L'Oiseau de Feu, La Péri and Le Dieu Blue with Russian, Indian and Persian traditional design in headdress and accessories ars found. Second, Le Carnival and La Spectre de la Rose used romantic styles with oriental details. Third, Greek chiton and Himation are used in Narcisse, Hélène de Sparte, L'Après-Midi d`un Faune and Daphnis et Chloé inspirde with various colors and geometic patterns. Bakst's orient of lush colored costumes, head dress, cushions, rugs and hangings became the immediate fashion imitated by Parisian couture houses and interior decorators.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was designed to : (a) analyze the menus of the French restaurant in tourism hotel using the menu analysis techniques of Kasavana & Smith and Pavesic, (b) compare the characteristics of the two analysis techniques. The calculations for the menu analysis were done using the MS 2000 Excel spreadsheet program. The menu mix % and unit contribution margin were used as variables by Kasavana & Smith and weighted contribution margins (WCM) and potential food cost % (PFC%) by Pavesic. In two cases, a four-cell matrix was created and menu items were located in each according they achieved high or low scores with respect to two variables. The items that scored favorably on both variables were rated in the top category (e.g., star, prime) and those that scored below average on both were rated in the lowest category (e.g., dog, problem). While Kasavana & Smith's method focused on customer's viewpoints, Pavesic's method considered the manager's viewpoints. Therefore, it is more likely to be desirable for decision-making on menus if the menu analysis techniques chosen is suited to its purpose.
        2004.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
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