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Legal Editology and Publication of Scholarly Law Paper: How to Translate Academic Stimulus into Creative Legal Writing? KCI 등재

  • 언어ENG
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/402895
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이준국제법연구원 (YIJUN Institute of International Law)

Lawyers express their opinions mainly by writing. In particular, legal scholars are obliged to write scholarly papers and publish them. A good lawyer also includes being a good writer. However, it is not easy for young lawyers or law students to write a good, scholarly paper. To be a good writer, they should possess discipline. Nonetheless, there are a few practical guidelines for young lawyers or law students to refer to when they begin writing scholarly articles. The primary purpose of this research is to present the core guidelines of scholarly legal writing-what to consider and what to avoid - for beginners; following the author’s experience of editing globally recognized journals in international law as well as writing and publishing scholarly papers at leading academic law magazines in the world. This research paper contains the meaning of good scholarly legal paper, topic and title, research methodology, writing, referencing, research ethics and publication.

I. Introduction
II. What is A Good Scholarly Legal Paper?
III. Topic and Title
IV. Research Methodology
    A. What is Academic Research?
    B. Why Research Methodology?
    C. Research is Everywhere!
    D. “All Things Work Together for Good!”
V. Writing
    A. Basics
    B. Practice for Legal Writing
VI. Referencing
    A. An Essential Part of Writing
    B. Source
    C. Citation
    D. How Many Citations?
    E. Core Principle of Referencing
VII. Research Ethics
    A. Ethical Principles
    B. Research Misconduct
    C. ‘Plagiarism’
    D. Investigation
    E. How to Prevent Research Misconduct?
VIII. Publication
    A. Why Publication?
    B. Law Magazine
    C. Target the Law Magazine
    D. Captivate Editor’s Eyes.
    E. Peer Review
IX. Conclusion
  • Eric Yong Joong Lee(International Law at Dongguk University-Seoul, Korea)