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미세기포 액화산소가 가두리양식장의 수온 및 산소농도에 미치는 영향 KCI 등재

Effect of oxygen micro-bubble for the temperature and oxygen concentrations of fish farming facility

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/403340
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,300원
수산해양기술연구 (Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology)
한국수산해양기술학회(구 한국어업기술학회) (The Korean Society of Fisheriers and Ocean Technology)

Mass mortality of mariculture fish due to high summer temperatures is a major issue in the mariculture industry in many coastal waters of Korea, yet measures to mitigate the impact are generally limited. We injected a micro-bubble of liquefied oxygen into the bottom of rockfish cages (about 6-8 m deep) in order to maximize the dispersal of micro-bubbled seawater and reduce fish mortality. The injection of low-temperature oxygen in micro-bubbles lowered the water temperature at the injection area by as much as 1℃ and increased dissolved oxygen concentration by 0.5 ppm. In early August, following a week with persistent high water temperature (above 28.5℃), there was an increase in fish mortality despite the micro-bubble system, which resulted in approximately 7% death of the total introduced fish population. However, this mortality appeared to be much lower than mortality reported in a neighboring mariculture facility (approximately 50% mortality). We also estimated the volume that can be recirculated with pumped seawater using a micro-bubble system. We suggest that this approach of injecting liquefied oxygen through a micro-bubble system may reduce fish mortality during high temperature periods.

서 론
재료 및 방법
    실험 해역
    실험 방법
    분석 방법
결과 및 고찰
    수온, 용존산소 변화
    양식장 박테리아 변화
    양식장 어류 폐사개체수 변화
    경제적 손실에 대한 재무분석
결 론
  • 안나(충남대학교 해양환경과학과) | Na AN (Department of Ocean Environmental Sciences Chung-Nam National University)
  • 이정규(충남대학교 해양환경과학과) | Jeong Kyu LEE (Department of Ocean Environmental Sciences Chung-Nam National University)
  • 이준석(충남대학교 해양환경과학과) | Jun Seok LEE (Department of Ocean Environmental Sciences Chung-Nam National University)
  • 최근형(충남대학교 해양환경과학과) | Keun-Hyung CHOI (Department of Ocean Environmental Sciences Chung-Nam National University) Corresponding author