
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2020.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mass mortality of mariculture fish due to high summer temperatures is a major issue in the mariculture industry in many coastal waters of Korea, yet measures to mitigate the impact are generally limited. We injected a micro-bubble of liquefied oxygen into the bottom of rockfish cages (about 6-8 m deep) in order to maximize the dispersal of micro-bubbled seawater and reduce fish mortality. The injection of low-temperature oxygen in micro-bubbles lowered the water temperature at the injection area by as much as 1℃ and increased dissolved oxygen concentration by 0.5 ppm. In early August, following a week with persistent high water temperature (above 28.5℃), there was an increase in fish mortality despite the micro-bubble system, which resulted in approximately 7% death of the total introduced fish population. However, this mortality appeared to be much lower than mortality reported in a neighboring mariculture facility (approximately 50% mortality). We also estimated the volume that can be recirculated with pumped seawater using a micro-bubble system. We suggest that this approach of injecting liquefied oxygen through a micro-bubble system may reduce fish mortality during high temperature periods.