Why Can’t Addressee Honorification and Impersonal Subject Honorification Appear in the Embedded Clause?
The addressee honorification marker si-marked predicate in Korean must have an honorific vocative element in Spec-Voc in order for the unchecked feature of the addressee honorification marker si on Voc to be discharged in the Spec-head relation with the vocative element in Spec-Voc in the concept of Chomsky's (1995) Minimalist Program, which induces the addressee honorification at the speech level. The unchecked feature of the addressee honorification marker si-ess-upnita/sey-yo) percolates from T to Voc. At this point, VocP is above CP, which is why addressee honorification and impersonal subject honorification cannot appear in the embedded clause in Korean. Imperatives with quantificational subjects in English can exhibit, in addition to second person pronouns, third person pronouns as well. This is because a bound element exhibits either the person feature of the partitive phrase binding second or third person pronoun, or default third person value, which is against S. Park (2020).