동치미에서 분리한 유산균 Leuconostoc mesenteroides와 Lactobacillus brevis를 무주스에 접종하여 에서 2일간 혼합 배양하여 와 8에서 각각 30분, 15분으로 열처리하여 25, 15, 5에서 8주동안 저장하면서 품질변화를 조사하였다. 열처리한 무주스에서는 미생물이 전혀 검출되지 않아 모두 사멸되었음을 알수 있었으며 이화학적 품질의 변화가 거의 일어나지 않았으나, 열처리를 하지 않은 무주스의 경우는 저장온도가 높
The radish juice inoculated with mixed culture of Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Lactobacillus brevis was fermented and stored. Radish juice was heat-treated for 30 min at 65 and 15 min at 80, and stored for 8 weeks at 25, 15, and 5, respectively. When the radish juice was heat-treated, any bacteria were not detected and any quality changes were not occured. On the other hand non-heated radish Juice, pH was decreased and acidity was increased during storage. The turbidity of the heat-treated radish juice was higher than that of the non-heated juice when it stored at 5'E. From the sensory evaluation, the pasteurization condition of 15 min at 80 was not appropriate because the fresh smell of Dongchimi was decreased and the cooked smell was increased. The radish juice stored at 5 without heat-treatment was evaluated to have the best quality. The storage period of the non-heated radish juice was shown to be extended over 8 weeks at 5.