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수확 후 지연 감마선 조사와 CA 저장이 밤의 품질에 미치는 영향 KCI 등재 SCOPUS

Effects of Delayed Gamma-Irradiation and CA Storage on the Quality of Chestnuts

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/40782
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한국식품저장유통학회 (The Korean Society of Food Preservation)

밤(Castanea crenata, 은기)의 수확 후 품질유지에 있어서 지연 감마선 조사와 CA 저장의 영향을 확인하기 위하여, 밤을 수확하여 에서 3개월간 보관한 후 0.25kGy의 감마선을 조사하고 의 CA (3%O+5% ) 및 air조건에서 6개월간 저장한 다음 이화학적 품질특성들을 측정하였다. 밤의 발아(근)는 지연 감마선 조사에 의해 완전 억제되었으며 부패는 CA저장과 병행시 더욱 적게 발생되었다. 중량감소는 CA저장 밤이 air 저장

The study was performed to investigate the effects of delayed gamma-irradiation and CA storage on the keeping quality of chestnuts. Chestnuts peviously stored for 3 months at 0 were irradiated at 0 to 0.25 kGy of Co60/ gamma rays and then stored for 6 months under CA conditions of 3% O and 5% CO or air at 0. Delayed gamma-irradiation completely inhibited the sprouting of chestnuts, and tore reduced the rotting rate by the combination with CA storage. The weight loss was reduced by delayed gamma-irradiation and CA storage. Hunter L and b values of flesh surface of the chestnuts stored under CA were higher than those of samples stored under air regardless of gamma irradiation. Vitamin C, total sugar and reducing sugar contents decreased immediately after irradiation Vitamin C and reducing sugar contents after 6 months of storage were lower in the samples kept under CA than in those under air. Results indicated that delayed gamma-irradiation after harvest and subsequent CA storage showed inhibitory effects against the development of saluting and rotting and the loss of weights and surface flesh color changes in chestnuts.

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