방사선 처리의 가능성이 높은 농산물로서 곡류(현미, 메밀)와 두류(대두, 땅콩, 적두, 녹두)는 국산과 중국산을, 마늘은 국산을 대상으로 하여 곡류와 두류는 0.5∼4 kGy, 마늘은 0.05∼0.5 kGy 범위의 감마선을 각각 조사하고 조사여부의 검지를 위한 광자극 발광 특성(PSL)을 검토하였다. 곡류와 녹두의 PSL 값은 대체로 비조사군(< 700 photon counts, negative)과 조사군(> 5,000 counts, positi
Photostimulated luminescence (PSL) analysis was applied to determine whether some agricultural commodities of Korean and Chinese origins have been irradiated or not. Cereals (brown rice and buckwheat) and legumes (soybean, peanut, fed bean and mung bean) were exposed to gamma irradiation at 0.5 ∼4 kGy The Korean garlic was irradiated at 0.05 ∼0.5 kGy. Cereals and mung bean were tool applicable to the PSL measurement, showing the intermediate values between the lower (700 photon counts, negative) and the upper threshold values (5,000, positive), however PSL values determined for soybean, peanut, red bean and garlic were suitable for being discriminated between nonirradiated and irradiated samples. There was no significant difference in PSL properties accgrding to the sample origins.