김치타블렛의 영양성과 기호성을 개선하기 위하여 부재료로 유자, 사과, 당근, 표고버섯의 혼합조건을 반응표면분석법으로 검토하였다. 당근분말은 0.75 g 첨가시에 타블렛의 견고성이 낮았으며, 표고버섯은 첨가량이 증가할수록 견고성이 증가하였다. 사과는 1.0 g 이상으로 첨가될 경우, 표고버섯 및 당근의 첨가량이 견고성에 미치는 영향은 크지 않았다. 김치 타블렛의 hue angle은 유자, 사과, 당근 및 표고버섯의 첨가량이 0.5 g 이하 및 1.
Optimal mixing renditions of sub-ingredients(citron, apple, carrot and mushroom) for preparation of kimchi tablet were investigated by response surface methodology. Hardness of kimchi tablet was low with the addition of 0.75 g carrot powder but increased as increasing of mushroom amount. Hue angle of kimchi tablet was 83 ∼86 degree when the amount of citron, apple, carrot and mushroom was lower than 0.5 g. Solubility in artificial bile acid of kimchi tablet was not affected by the addition of carrot and was high in the group with 1.0 g mushroom added and the group with 0.75 g apple added. Flavor of kimchi tablet was better as increasing of the amounts of apple and carrot added. The results of investigating the effects of independent factors on each response variable showed that only carrot affected on the hue angle of tablet and other sub-ingredients not affecting on response variable. Therefore, carrot, apple and mushroom could be added in a wide range of concentration around 0.75 g.