Many Korean domestic masonry structures constructed since 1970 have been found to be vulnerable to earthquakes because they lack efficient lateral force resistance. Many studies have shown that the brick and mortar suddenly experience brittle fracture and out-of-plane collapse when they reach the inelastic range. This study evaluated the seismic retrofitting of non-reinforced masonry with Hybrid Super Coating (HSC) and Cast, manufactured using glass fiber. Four types of specimen original specimen (BR-OR), one layered HSC (BR-HS-O), two-layered HSC (BR-HS-B), one layered HSC, and Cast (BR-CT-HS-O) were constructed and analyzed using compression, flexural tensile, diagonal compression, and triplet tests. The specimen responses were presented and discussed in load-displacement curves, maximum strength, and crack propagation. The compressive strength of the retrofit specimens slightly increased, while the flexural tensile strength of the retrofit specimens increased significantly. In addition, the HSC and Cast also produced a considerable increase in the ductile response of specimens before failure. Diagonal compression test results showed that HSC delayed brittle cracks between the mortar and bricks and resulted in larger displacement before failure than the original brick. The triplet test results confirmed that the bonding strength of the retrofit specimens also increased. The application of HSC and Cast was found to restrain the occurrence of brittle failure effectively and delayed the collapse of masonry wall structures.